The PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is active in the IST Community, sponsoring fund-raising events and creating a strong partnership between parents and the School. Membership of the Parent Teacher Association is open to all parents and teachers.
Our aim is to foster positive working relationships between parents and our children's School, creating a strong partnership. This helps the School to listen and deal with parents' suggestions and for parents to learn more about what they can do to help the School improve their children's education. We also sponsor fundraising events which are organised to raise funds for both the School and charities.
Students, parents, teachers, staff and support staff and the Board of Directors are all part of the school community and we have one common goal: to create a wonderful atmosphere for learning.
To achieve this, respect, good communication, an open-minded approach, mutual understanding or the willingness to try to understand is essential as well as cooperation and support.
Party Committee, Welcome & Hospitality Committee, Charity Committee, Luncheons, Bake Sale, Winter Market, ISTathon, International Day and Room Parents.
If you are interested to be a PTA volunteer, please send an email to: